See how your GPA and MCAT scores compare to those of students accepted at US Osteopathic Medical Schools.

Details & Disclaimer: this program does not evaluate your medical school application – it cannot and does not guarantee acceptance or rejection anywhere.

This program is design to help you evaluate your application to osteopathic medical schools. Many factors go into an acceptance decision by medical schools, among the your MCAT score, GPA, and state of residence. Most osteopathic colleges of medicine put much less emphasis on MCAT scores or GPA than do allopathic medical schools. Some of the other important factors include: your student personal statement, your life experiences, your personal background, and the needs of the particular medical school.

Also see our discussion of the differences between DO and MD degrees.

You can see the format of the search results from this program (without results) at: Medical Schools, and the format of the school-specific results at: Medical School Details.

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