Because SGU School of Medicine is elligible for federal Stafford loans, it means that some private lenders are also willing to provide private student loans to students that attend.

For US students enrolled at St. George’s, there are at least two private programs that consider student loan applications. Each has high funding limits, online applications, repayment options, deferment options, and a grace period. SGU loans are available throuogh the link above, and through an international student loan provider: SGU loans.

SGU School of Medicine

Based on the island of Grenada, SGU is probably the most famous, and one of the best respected, medical schools in the Caribbean. It was founded in 1976, and has a reasonable record for turning out students who get residency spots in the U.S.

Basic science teaching is done in English, with clinical years in US hospitals.

For North American applicants to SGU, the MCAT is required.

Estimated Cost to attend St. George:

SGU estimates the cost to, excluding airfare, to be about $45,000 a year. This is more than US federal student loan limits, so if you can’t pay in cash, you’ll probably need to find private student loans to make up the difference in tuition and expenses.

Tips for getting student loans

  • It’s a good idea to start shopping for a loan early in the process. 2-3 months before matriculation is not too early.
  • It is possible to qualify for these loans on your own, but more often the successful applicant will come in with a co-signer.

For more information or start an application online, visit:


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