Medical school finder: See how your MCAT scores and GPA would fare at ranked medical schools across the country.

Medical school rankings can be a point of contention for both medical schools and medical students. How are the schools judged? What factors weigh in, and what weight are they given?

From heavyweights like Harvard (pictured above) to lesser-known universities, medical schools will be teaching essentially the same things. But what makes one school outrank another? Some of the criteria considered in StudentDoc’s algorithm for top medical school rankings include:

  • Total dollar amounts of NIH (National Institutes of Health) research grants awarded to the medical school and affiliated hospitals
  • Admission selectivity statistics (high scores on MCAT, top GPAs) of matriculating students
  • Debt load, reflecting which schools are best and which are worst for the amount of debt students carry upon graduation

When making the decision about what medical school is best for you, it is worth taking these factors into consideration. But remember that they are just one part of the puzzle. 

What do you need to know next?

What are the Top 10 medical schools?

MCAT scores: the good, the bad and the ugly.

Got all the medical school requirements covered?

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