Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics for the iPhone/iPad and Android

This is the classic pocket guide for the intern, resident, sub-I, and yes, the frightened third year medical student just starting his or her medicine rotation.

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The smartphone version of the Washington Manual has the same information as the book version – without the ring binding.

It’s been designed for quick reference on a variety of the most common inpatient problems. In its most recent edition, it has been updated for diseases like West Nile that have become more prevalent in the last few years.

No matter how experienced or how knowledgeable a medical professional is, it always helps to have a handy reference guide available which can answer even the most complicated questions and assist with the most unusual diagnoses. For decades, the Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics (Wash Manual) has been that guide. Now the Wash Manual is available in a more convenient form to make it even easier for medical professionals to find the information they need.

For more than 40 years, the Wash Manual has been helping medical professionals understand how to help their patients better. Some have even referred to it as “the Bible of the medical ward.” Originally written by members of the Washington University School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine, the Wash Manual is currently in its thirty-first edition. As with every edition, this one is packed with even more useful information and includes new additions to fit the changing challenges of the medical profession.

Below are a few of the latest additions to the Wash Manual:

  • Nosocomial infections
  • West Nile virus
  • Bioterrorism agents
  • AIDS/HIV management updates
  • JNC VII guidelines for hypertension management

The app also includes a quick reference section on prescription drugs so medical professionals can easily find the medication information they need to help their patients start feeling better faster.

One of the most helpful features of the Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics is that it is now available for both iPhone/iPad and Android operating systems. That means this useful, time-saving resource can be with medical professionals when they need it. Plus, it can be integrated with other portable programs to form an even more comprehensive utility.

More Information About other medical software packages and other convenient software for medical professionals read “Griffith’s 5-Minute Clinical Consult” or “Medical Dictionary.”

Topics #Android #Internal medicine #iPad #iphone #medical software #washington manual